Пользователь о себе

I only ask questions I can't find any other places to find answers too, and only want what I had in mind to take, nothing more, nothing less, I'm no scammer, no robber, I make nothing here, I simply use other people's mods they published on this website and comment if there is a need too, that's all, I am fair, trusting, all though, why would you want to have the need to trust me?
  I am understanding, I DO NOT tolerate scammers, hackers, or crooks, if they have ANYTHING to do with what I have, why I have, don't have, because of what I don't tolerate, you will find out, more than what I say I am on this site, do not toy with me, or anything more, or I will make it so you feel 84% in anyway, worse then you do before or after you decide to use any unwelcome actions into my life.  

do. not. underestimate. my. age. 
it will cost you dearly in the end if you
dare to trick and scam with me. 

Суммарная активность

Графическое отображение прогресса показано относительно средних значений активности пользователей.